Watchdog focuses on Unilever and P&G

The Competition Commission has in its sights two multinationals, Unilever and P&G, which hold the largest market shares in the washing detergent category. 

According to the results of a price survey in Greece and some other European countries carried out by the watchdog, it appears that the products of the above two companies are sold in Greece at prices from 113.92% to 361% more expensive compared to the cheapest country in the EU, which is Ireland.

The Competition Commission proceeded with the price investigation, and published the findings in a newsletter it issued on Thursday, because since July Greece has recorded a disproportionate increase in the inflation of the broader "house cleaning products" category, compared to the eurozone.

According to Eurostat data, while the discrepancy was small until June, with a 5.7% rise in the eurozone and 5.8% in Greece,...

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