Historic Ideal movie theater charting new course

The Schliemann-Mela Mansion on central Panepistimiou Street in Athens.

The historic Ideal cinema is to get a new lease on life as its operation will be entrusted to an internationally renowned company active in the field of entertainment, according to Greek hospitality business Mitsis Hotels, which has been granted the building that houses it.

The Schliemann-Mela Mansion on central Panepistimiou Street in Athens was designed by German architect Ernst Ziller, and the four-story building is now set to undergo a €36 million renovation so it can be turned into a five-star hotel. The company that will take on the Ideal has not yet been selected, but the plan is to create a multifaceted space for screenings, performances, conferences etc.

Meanwhile the management of the Ideal, as well as that of the also historic Astor cinema, announced free screenings this weekend to raise awareness about the campaign to keep them open. 

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