Short-term rentals come under greater scrutiny


The Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE) has identified more than 73,000 property managers and owners who are active in short-term rentals who had "forgotten" to declare income of 102 million euros in 2022.

The data on the undeclared income reached AADE via digital platforms - Airbnb Ireland UC, BV, VRBO Expedia Group Vacation Rentals Ireland Limited (under the cooperation protocol) - and was cross-checked with the income that had been declared. The result was that emails were sent to 73,258 managers/owners. All of them complied by submitting a new declaration of income from short-term rental and business activities of tourist accommodation totaling 102 million euros.

According to tax authorities, in 2022 the controls were mainly directed at property managers. At the same time, under the cooperation protocol, files were sent to the platforms,...

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