"The hand of justice has moved"

Dritan Abazovic said in an interview for the BiH TV network that it will be seen whether the hand of justice goes towards the outgoing president of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovi.
"We prosecuted people from the top of the judiciary, from the top of the prosecution organization, recently from the top of the police. People from the political sphere will probably be prosecuted as well. In any case, the hand of justice has moved and it is only a question of its speed. It is no longer a question of whether it will arrive. We will see if it goes to Mr. Djukanovi as well. He cannot exempt himself from the legal order of Montenegro," said Abazovi.
The Prime Minister of Montenegro said that, for now, "people who were in his immediate environment have borne the brunt".
"Considering that he was the political leader of Montenegro for 30 years, I don't know if he was capable enough to completely exclude himself from everything that was done by the people around him. I don't know, I don't want to guess. I just want to I say that the state prosecutor's office has a free hand to work in accordance with the law towards everyone. What is a little controversial in the public is the way in which Djukanovic got that famous first million. That is something that must get an epilogue. I am not saying anything that someone is guilty or not, but the first million is disputed. That first one, if it turns out the way everyone expects, it will be much easier to prove the others," said Abazovi.
Speaking about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Abazovi said that he personally thinks that the Dayton Agreement has expired and that a new time calls for a new Constitution that will define what the country will look like, how it will organize itself and make the system...

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