Shock in the state leadership: Minister of Education resigned

The wife of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the Minister of Education of the Brandenburg province, Britta Ernst (SPD), has resigned from that position.
So far, she has not given a reason for such a decision.
Britta Ernst's departure from the position of Minister of Education followed criticism from the public, who were dissatisfied with the results of her work in the field of kindergartens and schools, and as reported by the Frankfurter Alemannia Zeitung, her successor will be State Secretary Stefan Freiberg.
As the German newspaper reminds, Ernst has been a member of the provincial government for six years, and in 2021 she was the president of the Conference of Ministers of Education. The Prime Minister of the federal state of Brandenburg, Dietmar Woidke, accepted her resignation and thanked Ernst for six years of work as regional minister of education.
"I am sure that her mandate will be associated with important milestones such as the continuous improvement of the number of employees in day care centers and the entry into the non-contribution regime," in the Ministry of Education, he said. He previously worked as State Secretary in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the field of school and political education.
"The focus of Freiberg's work is education in the digital age, which is one of the reasons why I am sure that he is the right person for the upcoming tasks and I look forward to working together," Woidke said.

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