The photo of a tourist in Auschwitz went viral: "So unbelievably disrespectful" PHOTO

The photo caused outrage and toured the world. Some wrote that this kind of behavior was unacceptable, others that it was scandalous, and the majority condemned this type of photography in a place where so many people died.
"Today I had one of the most harrowing experiences of my life. Regrettably it didn't seem everyone there found it quite so poignant", wrote one Twitter user sharing the photo.

Today I had one of the most harrowing experiences of my life. Regrettably it didnt seem everyone there found it quite so poignant.

— Maria 🇬🇧 (@MariaRMGBNews) April 15, 2023

"Absolutely disgusting, when I was there people were taking selfies. Such disrespect," read one comment on the photo.
They announced themselves from the memorial center itself:
"Photographs can have enormous emotional value for visitors as well. They help us remember. When they come to the Auschwitz Memorial Center, visitors should remember that they are entering an authentic site of a former camp where more than a million people were killed. Respect their memory", it is said in the announcement of the memorial center.

I was legitimately shocked by how some people treated Auschwitz like an amusement park when I visited last year. I took this video of a lady who posed balancing on the tracks for her boyfriend. So unbelievably disrespectful

— Drew Pavlou (@DrewPavlou) April 16, 2023

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