The hospital's on fire: there are casualties VIDEO

The fire broke out around one o'clock after midnight on the fifth floor of the hospital, and the causes are still being investigated, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Health announced, according to El Pais.
The fire broke out in the room where the man was killed and its spread was prevented.
The patient was alone at the time, according to El Mundo. The newspaper adds that the fire broke out in the psychiatry ward. Among the injured are police officers, security guards and medical personnel, and they were sent home after being treated.

Noticias frescas en directo!!! En el Hospital Clinico San Carlos en Moncloa hay un incendio en la quinta planta, muchos bomberos ambulancia un jaleo, increble, catastrofico, que pasara? Seguire informando, 01:32 de la noche domingo 14 de mayo

— Aiden (@tr4shy4iden) May 13, 2023

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