Alarming in Gračanica: Kurti sent special forces; they stop the Serbs VIDEO

However, before the start of the protest, three special police vehicles were parked in the courtyard of the police station.
Residents of Graanica have already gathered to protest the arrest of Dragia Milenkovi yesterday.
The so-called Kosovo police previously announced that the main road in Gracanica will be blocked while the Serb protest continues.
The presence of members of KFOR is noticeable, carabinieri and people from EULEX also walk the streets.
The so-called Kosovo police stops all Serbian vehicles at the entrance to Ranilovo in order to prevent a clear message of solidarity with the arrested Serbs from being sent, the media reports. Let's recall, Aleksandar Vui, Albin Kurti and Borrell and Lajak are expected to talk in Brussels today.

#BREAKING #Kosovo #Serbia Kosovo* police arrived to Graanica, Kosovo* where new Serb protest is about to start.

— National Independent (@NationIndepend) June 22, 2023

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