ChatGPT has breached walls of Greek academia


Using artificial intelligence to quickly and easily churn out an academic paper "was going to happen sooner or later," says Diomidis Spinellis, professor of software engineering in the Department of Management Science and Technology at the Athens University of Economics and Business.

Spinellis detected the first use by a Greek university student of ChatGPT, a chatbot first revealed to the world last November. The paper was in its draft stage and Spinellis said it was well-written, error-free but its coverage of the assigned subject, while broad, was shallow.

Spinellis, like many professors, is not in favor of an outright ban on the technology, but, rather, a constructive engagement with it. He asked the student to provide bibliographical annotations for all ChatGPT's contributions, as well as provide, in an appendix, a detailed transcript of all the requests to the...

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