Personal use of fuel from occupied north of Cyprus

[Yiannis Kourtoglou/Reuters]

Fuel is permitted to be transported across the Green Line in Cyprus under certain conditions, the European Commission's competent representative said at a press briefing.

When asked about the Republic of Cyprus' controls at the crossing points from the Turkish-occupied areas, Stefan de Kersmacker clarified that fuel can be transported for personal use, as long as it meets specific criteria. These criteria include the fuel being contained in the car's fuel tank or a portable container with a capacity not exceeding 10 liters and the total value of the fuel not exceeding 260 euros.

Referring to the Green Line Regulation, the Commission spokesperson explained that the regulation exempts goods carried in personal luggage by individuals crossing the Green Line from turnover tax, excise duty, and other duties. However, this exemption applies only if the goods are not of a...

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