Wagner chief on list of passengers on plane that crashed: Russian agencies

The head of the Wagner group that in June attempted to topple Russia's military leadership was on the passengers list of a plane that crashed Wednesday, Russian news agencies said.

Since the rebellion -- seen as the biggest challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin's authority since he came to power -- uncertainty has surrounded the fate of the Wagner group and of its controversial chief Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Russia's ministry for emergency situation on Wednesday announced the crash of a private plane travelling between Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

"There were 10 people on board, including 3 crew members. According to preliminary information, all those on board died," the ministry said.

Russian news agencies later reported Prigozhin on the list of passengers of the plane.

"The plane that crashed in the Tver Region listed Yevgeny Prigozhin among its passengers, (Russia's aviation agency) Rosaviatsia said," TASS news agency reported, with RIA Novosti and Interfax issuing similar reports.

Videos on Telegram channels linked to Wagner posted footage -- that AFP could not independently confirm -- showing the wreckage of the plane burning in a field.

In an official statement, Rosaviatsia said it set up a special commission to investigate the crash of the Embraer - 135 (EBM-135BJ).

The bodies of eight people have been found so far at the site of the crash, RIA Novosti said citing the emergency services.

Shortly after the news of the crash emerged, a White House official commented that Prigozhin's death would be no surprise. 

Putin was meanwhile giving a speech for the 80th anniversary of the Kursk battle in World War II.

He did not mention the crash and hailed "all our soldiers who are fighting...

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