Greece is India’s ‘gateway’ into the EU

"I believe that a closer, more strategic relationship between India and Greece will be good not just for the two countries but also for Europe and Asia," Indian Premier Narendra Modi (right) tells Kathimerini Executive Editor Alexis Papachelas, accepting a copy of the paper. [Nikos Kokkalias]

It took 40 years for an Indian prime minister to visit Athens, since Indira Gandhi came to Greece in September 1983. Narendra Modi represents a very different country today compared to what India was in the 1980s. It is now an emerging, rapidly developing superpower, which aspires to lead the countries of the Global South in a multipolar world. 

Speaking to Kathimerini, Modi was forthcoming about his ambitions for his country and declared that he is ready to deepen cooperation with Greece at all levels, including security.

What is the purpose of this visit?

I feel you should rather be asking why no Indian prime minister has visited Greece for over four decades. On a serious note, I have known Prime Minister [Kyriakos] Mitsotakis for a while now. We have met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. I thank him for his kind invitation. I...

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