Serbia-IMF talks begin at NBS

BELGRADE - Official talks between a Serbian delegation and an International Monetary Fund mission began with a plenary meeting at the National Bank of Serbia on Thursday.

"The talks are held within the second review of the stand-by arrangement (SBA) approved by the IMF to Serbia on December 19, 2022. The delegation of the Republic of Serbia is led by NBS Governor Jorgovanka Tabakovic, who also serves as the Serbian Governor to the IMF," the NBS said in a statement.

The IMF mission, led by Donal McGettigan, will be in Belgrade until October 31.

"The mission will review recent monetary, fiscal and macroeconomic trends and projections, as well as the implementation of objectives of the ongoing programme.

The first review of Serbia's performance under SBA and consultations under Article IV of the IMF's Articles of Agreement were concluded by the IMF...

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