Mother of a young man kidnapped by Hamas: ''I know that Serbia is doing everything''

Idit Ohel, the mother of Alon Ohel, the young man kidnapped in the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, believes in the efforts of the Israeli and Serbian governments to return her son home.
Ohel told CNN that Alon is an Israeli-Serbian citizen and that she knows that the Serbian government, especially Serbian President Aleksandar Vui, is doing everything in their power to return her son, who was kidnapped more than two weeks ago.
She says she doesn't know where Alon is.
"I only know where he went when he left the house, where he was when he was kidnapped and that he was alive when he was kidnapped. And that's all I know", she answered the question of what information she currently has about her son's fate.
She repeated that Alon was at the music festival of peace, when explosions were heard at six o'clock in the morning, which is why he and his friends decided to go to the shelter.
"They thought it was a bombing. They didn't know about the terrorists. The terrorists soon reached the shelter where they threw grenades. My son, who was in the shelter with 27 people, tried to throw out those grenades. One grenade exploded and the terrorists entered. They dragged three people out, and my son was among them. It was hard to watch those scenes. They were dragging him, and he tried to resist at first. When he saw that it was not helping him, he stopped. They put him in a truck and drove him in an unknown direction," she explained.
She added that of the 27 people in the shelter, seven of them who were wounded survived the attack, three were kidnapped, and the rest were killed.
"Alon has been there for 15 days. I must say that he is an Israeli-Serbian citizen. I know that the Serbian government, especially President Vui, is doing...

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