Climate change not sole cause of disasters: Experts

The decline in greenery in urban areas and inadequate cleaning of sewers have more to do with the recent extreme flood disasters than just climate change, says an expert, urging authorities to take necessary steps.

Recent storms and coastal flooding have resulted in significant damage to businesses and structures in close proximity to the coast.

As stated by climatologist Professor Dr. İhsan Çicek, attributing the recent extreme meteorological events that have occurred throughout the nation exclusively to climate change would be an overly simplistic approach.

"A very deep low pressure developing over the Mediterranean and the associated frontal systems are the causes of the current events," Çicek stated.

"Consequently, attributing the direct emergence of these systems to climate change would be irrational. Despite its minor contribution, climate change should not be singled out as the culprit," he added.

"In order to be prepared for the effects of climate change, we must prioritize urban planning and take precautions," Çicek continued, noting that in recent years, floods and overflows have been a topic of discussion following every rainfall.

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