More than Half of the Reports for Fallen Branches in Sofia are Still Not Processed

On the fifth day after the heavy snowfall in Sofia, a little more than a third of the reports about fallen branches and trees submitted to 112 have been processed.

Since the beginning of the situation, 2,354 calls to 112 have been received, of which 860 have been processed. The work of all field teams continues, said Siyana Khlebarova, chief expert in the Green System Directorate.

"There is no way to say a specific date for the removal of all the fallen branches, as reports were still coming in until yesterday. We have made the necessary organization and all teams are on the ground. The teams are prioritized. First, the reports with greater urgency - near health facilities, kindergartens and nurseries, schools, fallen trees on streets and sidewalks, which obstruct traffic and are dangerous for citizens," said Khlebarova.

The new director of the Metropolitan waste treatment plant, Nikolay Savov, reported that since the snowfall, the amount of waste entering the plant has been growing progressively.

"On the first day, 30 tons of waste arrived, then 80, then 90. Today we expect over 100 tons of waste. The wood that comes into the enterprise is processed into compost," he said.

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