New agency in the works to shield Greece from cyber attacks

A national cybersecurity authority will be created with a bill to protect the public sector, as well as private companies in sectors such as the manufacturing and distribution of chemicals and food products.

The bill, which has already been introduced by Digital Governance Minister Dimitris Papastergiou, provides for the creation of a central public authority, in the form of a legal entity under public law, called the National Cybersecurity Authority, which until now was a directorate of the Ministry of Digital Governance and is now being upgraded to an agency. 

The impact of a cyberattack is not far removed from the everyday life of the average Greek citizen. For example, a cyberattack can hit the central processor of a large dairy company and block milk production for a few days. 

The NIS1 program, which until now has been concerned with cybersecurity, has...

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