Where Lord Elgin packaged the stolen sculptures

The former residence of the British consul, the building is on Areos Street, opposite Hadrian's Library.

Located on Areos Street, opposite Hadrian's Library, the building traces its origins back to the 17th century. Its distinctive features - two floors, an external staircase, and an internal courtyard with a well and fountain - classify it as a "classic" representation of the later Ottoman era.

Once the property of Nikolaos Chomatianos-Logothetis, the British consul, the exact period when the house was abandoned remains unknown, although we do know that his son, Spyridon, also lived there. Preserved elements today include its gate, staircase, and well.

Another intriguing facet of this mansion's history is that it once hosted another British diplomat in the Ottoman Empire. Lord Elgin was accommodated in the mansion by Spyridon Chomatianos-Logothetis, who followed in his father's footsteps as a consul. Accounts suggest that Elgin and his associates packaged the Parthenon...

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