"I always wanted to kill"; Creepy messages reveal: This crime at school inspired him

It is the shooting in which the 14-year-old girl A.A. killed one and wounded five students, after which she committed suicide, the Times reports.
The British newspaper came to the conclusion of what his inspiration was based on Kozk's posts on the Telegram network, where he allegedly announced that "Alina Afanaskina helped him too much."

🇨🇿 | Segn los reportes, el tirador de Praga, David Kozk, afirm que odiaba a todos y, segn parece, trataba de imitar a Alina Afanaskina, la joven de 14 años que mat a un alumno y luego se suicid en una escuala rusa. pic.twitter.com/GiFVyJfJvA

— ʜᴇʀQʟᴇs (@herqles_es) December 21, 2023

"I always wanted to kill, I thought that in the future I would become a maniac. I realized that it is much more profitable to do mass murders than serial ones. I sat down. I waited. I dreamed. I wanted... but Alina became the last point. It was as if she came to the rescue from heaven just in time," he allegedly wrote on that social network.
Because of yesterday's massacre, which is considered the largest in the history of the Czech Republic, a day of mourning was declared on Saturday, and according to the British newspaper, the attacker "fantasized about becoming a maniac".

Les mdias et les politiques franais ont fait preuve d'une remarquable retenue après le massacre de masse perptr par #DavidKozak à l'universit Charles de #Prague.
En vitant tout amalgame ou surenchère, ils dmontrent leur professionnalisme et leur hauteur d'esprit pic.twitter.com/pvvspEj8NL

— Alfred Lanning (@alfred_lanning1) December 22, 2023

At the same time, the police are still investigating the connection of the attacker with other murders.
It added that neighbors described the...

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