Brnabić: Bullies will never win in Serbia

"Now I saw this video of mistreatment of civil servants. As a minister, I worked with these wonderful people," Brnabi wrote on her X network account.
"They are not politicians, they are officials, professionals. They have been working in the ministry for years, decades. Support and gratitude to them. Bullies like this will never win in Serbia," she concluded.

Sada sam videla ovaj snimak maltretiranja dravnih slubenika. Kao ministar, radila sam sa ovim divnim ljudima. Oni nisu politiari, oni su slubenici, profesionalci. Rade u ministarstvu godinama, decenijama. Njima podrka i zahvalnost. Nikada ovakve siledije nee pobediti u 🇷🇸.

— Ana Brnabic (@anabrnabic) December 27, 2023

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