Bulgarian Authorities Detain Over 18,000 Migrants in 2023: A Year of Challenges and Crackdowns

In the period from January to November 2023, Bulgaria saw a significant surge in migrant detentions, with a total of 18,008 third-country citizens apprehended by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This marked a stark 15.4% increase from the previous year's numbers, signifying a growing challenge for the nation.

Of these detentions, 14,599 individuals were found residing in Bulgaria illegally, depicting a substantial 31.5% rise compared to the same period in 2022. The majority hailed from Syria (50.1%), Afghanistan (32.7%), and Morocco (11%). Additionally, 1,560 people were detained at the state border, while 1,849 were intercepted while attempting to exit without proper registration.

During a recent address, Zhivko Kotsev, Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, highlighted the tremendous challenges faced by the ministry's personnel throughout the year. Notably, their efforts were directed toward countering illegal migration and racketeering activities.

The Border Police director, Anton Zlatanov, described 2023 as a demanding yet satisfying year. He underscored a notable achievement: a positive evaluation from representatives of 14 EU countries who appraised the Bulgarian "Border Police" work, deeming it not just affirmative but exemplary.

The year witnessed around 176,000 thwarted attempts by third-country nationals to illegally enter Bulgaria, marking a 13% increase from the preceding year. These individuals often retraced their steps to neighboring countries upon encountering Bulgarian patrols, suggesting multiple attempts to cross into Bulgaria.

The Bulgarian-Turkish border remained the epicenter of migration, accounting for over 99% of the nation's total migration pressure at the border. Approximately 175,500...

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