Vucevic: Serbia to adequately respond to Turkey's military deal with Pristina

BELGRADE - Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said on Tuesday Serbia would adequately respond to a military agreement between Turkey and the so-called Kosovo.

Responding to questions from reporters at the Topcider army barracks in Belgrade, Vucevic said the deal was a continuation of Turkey's cooperation with the so-called Kosovo.

"The NATO alliance does not cooperate institutionally with the so-called Kosovo Security Force and is not participating as an alliance in a transformation of what they call the Kosovo Security Force into a Kosovo armed force - which, by the way, is contrary even to the constitution of the so-called Kosovo - but certain member states are strong contributors in that process and I would say that Turkey is perhaps the leader there," Vucevic said.

"We are concerned and we are watching closely what is going on, we see that some new...

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