Foreign policy milestones: EU accession, Turkey, Cyprus, Prespes

[InTime News]

One of the areas where Greece made some of its greatest strides during the past 50 years has been in foreign policy, the second day of the "50 Years of the Metapolitefsi" conference heard on Friday.

A panel moderated by Kathimerini English Edition's editor in chief, Tom Ellis, touched on milestones good and bad, demonstrating how, despite significant differences on specifics, the country's main political forces have achieved consensus on the broad strokes of the big issues.

With three outspoken and influential former foreign ministers on the panel - Dora Bakoyannis from New Democracy, Evangelos Venizelos from PASOK and Nikos Kotzias from SYRIZA, which Ellis described as having made a "distinct imprint" on Greece's foreign policy - the discussion was lively.

Completing the panel were Constantinos Filis, a professor of international relations at the American...

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