US Blocks UN Resolution on Gaza Convoy Tragedy

In a move that has sparked controversy and drawn widespread attention, the United States has exercised its veto power to block a UN Security Council resolution that sought to hold Israeli security forces accountable for the recent tragedy involving a humanitarian convoy in Gaza. The incident, marked by shooting and stampede, resulted in the deaths of over 100 individuals. The resolution, proposed by Algeria, garnered support from all other 14 members of the Security Council, as reported by "Times of Israel."

Speaking on behalf of the United States, Deputy Ambassador to the UN Robert Wood cited a lack of comprehensive information as the primary reason for the veto. "We don't have all the facts, that's the problem," Wood emphasized during the deliberations.

Meanwhile, amidst escalating tensions and international scrutiny, UN Secretary-General underscored the need for an impartial investigation into the events surrounding the Gaza convoy tragedy. Ahead of a regional meeting in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the Secretary-General expressed profound shock at the unfolding developments and reiterated calls for an immediate ceasefire. Furthermore, he lamented the growing polarization within the global community, lamenting how geopolitical divisions were rendering the Security Council ineffective due to the frequent use of the veto power.

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