History through stories

[Giorgos Zachos/Intime News]

How many times was the word "wrong" heard as an admission or an apportioning of blame at Kathimerini's conference on the 50th anniversary since the restoration of Greek democracy? If we were to circle the most characteristic words, as Kevin Featherstone, professorial research fellow and director of the Hellenic Observatory at the European Institute of the LSE, did for the period of the Greek debt crisis (especially during 2015) regarding the attitude of the parliaments of the UK, Germany and the Netherlands, the surprise might be the repetition. 

Each country, depending on its relationship and involvement with Greece, had created a fixed vocabulary that related to us: lies, corruption, accountability, guarantees, promises, and so on. The British professor (with honorary Greek citizenship) who participated in the conference, helped us see the image of our country abroad. But...

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