Oxi Day Foundation establishes new global courage awards

First Lady Jill Biden addresses attendees.

The Washington Oxi Day Foundation has established new global awards to "celebrate everyday acts of courage by unsung heroes across the globe."

Titled "It Takes Courage," the new awards build on the Oxi Courage Award that the foundation established in 2011.

"In 2024, we will go from celebrating courage one day a year in one (powerful) city, to spotlighting and spreading courage every day, everywhere," the foundation said.

"Our new global courage awards will be presented in Washington in the fall and around the world in the spring (in a different hemisphere each year)," it continued.

The new awards contain a category for youth, truth and freedom. The youth and the truth awards will be presented in May 2024 in Panama City, while the freedom award will be presented in October in Washington.

The foundation added that the It Takes Courage web site and...

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