Orbán Reveals Trump's Plan to Halt Funding for Ukraine after Meeting

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán disclosed details of former US President Donald Trump's strategy to swiftly end the conflict in Ukraine during an interview on Sunday following his visit to the US, where he held discussions with Trump.

Orbán stated that Trump has outlined comprehensive plans to bring a rapid resolution to the war in Ukraine if he is reelected as president. Central to Trump's approach is the decision to withhold financial support for the conflict, with Orbán emphasizing that if the US refrains from providing funding, European nations will be unable to finance the war, leading to its cessation.

"He does not intend to finance Europe's security at the expense of Europeans. We must establish our own military capability equipped with our own weapons to defend our country," Orbán asserted.

Reports from "Bloomberg" indicate that one of Trump's proposed strategies involves leveraging aid to Ukraine and Russia to prompt a summit between the two nations. Trump aims to pressure Kyiv by threatening to cut off assistance and incentivize Moscow by suggesting increased aid if Russia cooperates.

The revelation of Trump's plans comes amid ongoing efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine, which has persisted for several years and has resulted in significant humanitarian consequences.

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