Turkish shipyard prepares for Posidonia 2024

Sefine Shipyard is ready to showcase its prowess in ship repair, maintenance, conversion, and shipbuilding at Posidonia this summer for the sixth consecutive time since its maiden participation in 2014.

As Posidonia 2024 approaches, the Turkish company invites all attendees to embark on a journey of innovation, sustainability, and nautical excellence at their stand. Sefine Shipyard is at the forefront of technological innovation, as proven by the recent signing of a contract with Norwegian transport company Boreal for the construction of five hybrid double-ended ferries with a 1,017-kilowatt-hour battery capacity.

The company also places a strong emphasis on environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies. With certifications such as ISO 9001, ISO 10002, ISO 14001, ISO/IEC 27001, and ISO 45001, the shipyard ensures that ethical and sustainable practices govern its...

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