US sends Ukraine aid as Poles warn of Russia threat

U.S. President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday a $300 million emergency weapons package to prop up Ukraine while Congress blocks further aid, as Poland's leaders visited the White House to warn of the growing threat from Russia.

Biden said the stopgap shipment of missiles, shells and ammunition for Kiev was "not nearly enough" and would run out in a couple of weeks, leaving Ukraine outgunned by Russian President Vladimir Putin's invading forces.

The Democrat urged Republicans to stop blocking his larger, $60 billion aid package for Ukraine, which has been caught up in a bitter partisan fight ahead of a likely election rematch against Donald Trump in November.

"We must act before it literally is too late," said Biden, 81, as he met Poland's President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Donald Tusk at the White House.

"Russia won't stop at Ukraine. Putin will keep going, putting Europe, the United States and the entire free world at risk," added Biden, backed by Polish and U.S. flags and flanked by his top military and diplomatic officials.

The White House said the $300 million package, the first since December, was made possible by using money that the Pentagon has saved on other purchases, thus allowing Biden to bypass the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

 'Out of time' 

But White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Ukraine's battle was now in one of its most perilous phases since Russia's February 2022 invasion.

Moscow has made a series of recent gains in eastern Ukraine after months of stalemate, sparking growing Western fears that it could be nearing a breakthrough as the war enters its third year.

Sullivan said the $300 million emergency package was ...

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