Vucic: World faces two scenarios - WWIII or long-term truce in Ukraine

BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday the world faced two scenarios: a conflict of global powers that would result in a WWIII, or a long-term truce in Ukraine if lasting peace is not possible.

At a press conference with Minister-President of the German state of Bavaria Markus Soder in Belgrade, Vucic said that had been one of the topics of his meeting with Soder.

"One scenario is the West moving towards an all-out conflict with Russia as stopping the Russian army on the ground is not quite a simple affair, and the other is some kind of long-term truce - if not lasting peace - being established with assistance from the US and China, which would be a huge relief to the world," Vucic told reporters when asked if he believed the world was on the brink of WWIII.

Heading towards conflict would not benefit anyone, Vucic said, noting that a new...

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