Senegal presidency winner says he is 'break' from establishment

Anti-establishment candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye said Monday that Senegal's people had chosen to "break" with the current political system as he was set to become the youngest president in the country's history.

Faye's main rival from the governing coalition, Amadou Ba, has already conceded the race, triggering a political earthquake in the West African nation.

It marked a stunning victory for the 44-year-old Faye, who was only freed from prison 10 days before Sunday's election, whose results are not yet official.

He described himself in his first public address since Ba conceded as "the choice of a break" from the establishment.

One of his main priorities as president will be "national reconciliation" following three years of unrest and a political crisis, Faye said.

Faye also vowed to "fight corruption at every level" rebuild institutions and tackle the cost of living crisis.

xIt is the first time in 12 presidential votes held under universal suffrage since Senegal gained independence from France in 1960 that an opposition candidate has won in the first round of voting.

Ba, 62, recognised Faye's win and rang him to offer his congratulations.

Outgoing president Macky Sall, who did not stand after wins in 2012 and 2019, also congratulated him, hailing "a victory for Senegalese democracy".

 'Hungry for change' 

Faye has promised left-wing pan-Africanism and to renegotiate gas and oil contracts, with Senegal due to start production on recently discovered oil and gas reserves later this year.

The opposition candidate has never held a nationally elected position before.

The United States echoed Sall in hailing a triumph of democracy in Senegal.

"The commitment...

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