Li: China dissatisfied with CoE decision on so-called Kosovo

BELGRADE - China continues to show unwavering support and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, Chinese Ambassador to Belgrade Li Ming said at a meeting with Serbian Parliament Speaker Ana Brnabic on Thursday, and noted that his country was dissatisfied with a decision by the Committee on Political Affairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to accept a recommendation to admit the so-called Kosovo to the CoE.

Brnabic and Li agreed that Sino-Serbian parliamentary cooperation was extremely good.

According to a statement released by her office, Brnabic said she was pleased with a recent meeting with Xiao Jie, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People's Congress, during an Inter-Parliamentary Union assembly meeting in Geneva.

Brnabic and Ming agreed that a MoU between the Serbian...

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