Pentagon Confirms North Korea Supplying Weapons to Russia

Amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, a striking revelation emerges North Korea's role as a significant weapons supplier to Russia. Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh, in a recent press briefing, disclosed the Pentagon's assessment that North Korea continues to furnish Russia with weaponry, marking a concerning development in the geopolitical landscape, reported the Kyiv Independent.

Reports suggest that North Korea has solidified its position as Russia's primary source of military armaments, supplying extensive packages including ballistic missiles and over 3 million artillery shells. Singh emphasized the flourishing partnership between the two nations, indicating Russia's outreach to North Korea and Iran to garner support for its operations in Ukraine.

The impact of this collaboration has been felt acutely in Ukraine, with Oleksandr Filchakov, head of the Kharkiv Oblast prosecutor's office, revealing that nearly 50 North Korean missiles have been utilized by Russia in attacks on Ukraine since the onset of the full-scale invasion. This figure starkly contrasts with previous estimates, highlighting the magnitude of North Korea's involvement.

Incidents such as the December 30, 2023, attack on Zaporizhzhia and the subsequent assault on Kharkiv on January 2, where North Korean missiles were employed, underscore the gravity of the situation. Investigations into additional missile launches in Kharkiv Oblast are underway, underscoring the ongoing threat posed by this illicit arms trade.

Instead, South Korea has taken decisive action, imposing sanctions on two Russian entities and individuals associated with North Korea's nuclear and missile programs, as well as two vessels facilitating munitions transport between North Korea and Russia.

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