Outgoing Bulgarian PM Raises Concerns Over Alleged Prosecutor Misconduct

The outgoing Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Nikolai Denkov, has raised concerns over alleged misconduct by acting Prosecutor General Borislav Sarafov, prompting further investigation into the matter. Denkov's actions come in response to reports of psychological pressure exerted on Zhivko Kotsev, Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, leading to his potential resignation.

According to reports, Kotsev faced psychological pressure on April 3, 2024, to resign from his position or face serious criminal charges and potential custody. The pressure was allegedly orchestrated by Sarafov, along with the involvement of Iliyana Kirilova, the administrative head of the Sofia City Prosecution, and later by outgoing Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov. Additionally, Kotsev's home was reportedly searched on the same day, further adding to the controversy.

In response to these allegations, Denkov alerted Ad Hoc Prosecutor Daniela Taleva and officially informed Justice Minister Atanas Slavov, expressing reasonable doubt regarding Sarafov's conduct. The Prime Minister's report highlights several key questions that need to be addressed, including the purpose and legality of the meetings involving Sarafov, Kirilova, Krastev, Slavchev, and Kotsev, as well as the circumstances surrounding Kotsev's resignation and the subsequent media campaign against him.

Justice Minister Slavov has urged the Supreme Prosecutorial Council (SPC) and the Inspectorate with the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter. Slavov's request is based on Denkov's report, which suggests a breach of official duties by administrative heads in the Prosecution Office of the Republic of Bulgaria. If confirmed, Slavov insists on initiating disciplinary...

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