US Considers Dropping Charges Against Julian Assange

The United States is contemplating dropping charges against Julian Assange, as confirmed by President Joe Biden, who stated that he is considering the request. Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is currently in custody in Great Britain, awaiting a decision on whether he will be extradited to the United States.

The development comes after the Australian Parliament recently voted in favor of a request urging Washington to end the prosecution against Assange. The Australian national maintains that the disclosures made through WikiLeaks constitute investigative journalism, while the United States accuses him of engaging in espionage.

Assange gained notoriety in 2010 when WikiLeaks published classified documents provided by an American soldier, implicating the US military in war crimes. The soldier, Chelsea Manning, was subsequently sentenced to 35 years in prison. However, former President Barack Obama commuted Manning's sentence a few years later.

The case has sparked international debate over press freedom, government transparency, and the limits of journalistic practices. Assange's supporters argue that his prosecution sets a dangerous precedent for whistleblowers and investigative journalists worldwide.

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