Green days commence!

For spring to come, one must first get rid of winter. With the changing climate, the arrival of spring has become a bit tricky, it seems to come, and suddenly goes away, sometimes even interrupted with snowfalls. The moment the sun shines, a sudden rupture of sky and showers follow. Even if so, nothing can stop the festivities on Hıdrellez day, May 6, when people go out for a picnic to celebrate the spring. Despite climate change, Hıdrellez marks the official opening of the summer days, or the green days.

During the Ottoman period, the calendar was perceived as having two main seasons, summer and winter. According to this perception, today is the first day of summer. The celebration of the day of Hıdrellez commences on the night of 5th, and it was officially considered as the end of the winter season, and the period starting from May 6 until Nov. 7 was called Hızır Days, literally green days. The period from Nov. 8 to May 5 used to last until Hıdrellez as the winter period. The name Hızır, which also means green, comes from the Arabic word "hadır/hadr/hıdr." The pronunciation of the Arabic letter "d" as "dz" caused it to be pronounced both ways in Turkish. According to the belief, Hızır is an immortal human being, therefore he brings life wherever he goes and comes to the rescue of those in trouble. This is why it is said that those who come to the rescue in difficult times are like Hızır, a blessing that comes as a Godsend.

It is believed that Hızır, or Hıdır meets with his counterpart Elijah for only one day a year, on the day of Hıdrellez. When they meet, nature blooms. According to the belief, while Hızır represents the earth and the greens, Elijah, or Elias represents water and the sea. When the two come together, nature comes alive, greenery...

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