Destabilizing nationalism in North Macedonia

After decades of fruitless negotiations, Athens and Skopje signed in 2018 an international agreement which, among its many provisions, stipulated that the country's official name would be "North Macedonia," to be used both domestically and abroad.

It's an obligation for North Macedonia's leaders and officials to use the country's agreed upon constitutional name in all cases.

What the newly elected nationalist president and prime minister of Greece's northern neighbor are doing violates the letter and the spirit of the agreement and is unacceptable. Their populist approach can only harm their country, including its economy.

President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova and the leader of VMRO-DPMNE and prospective prime minister, Hristijan Mickoski, are doing a great disservice to their country by not adhering to the Prespa Agreement, which, by the way, includes...

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