US vows more returns of looted antiquities as Italy celebrates latest haul of 600 artifacts

Some 600 stolen works of art that where returned by the US to the Italian Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage are displayed during their presentation to the media in Rome, Tuesday, [Gregorio Borgia/AP Photo]

Italy has celebrated the return of around 600 antiquities from the US, including ancient bronze statues, gold coins, mosaics and manuscripts valued at 60 million euros, that were looted years ago, sold to US museums, galleries and collectors and recovered as a result of criminal investigations.

US Ambassador Jack Markell, Matthew Bogdanos, the head of the antiquities trafficking unit of the New York district attorney's office, and members of the US Homeland Security Investigations department were on hand for the presentation alongside the leadership of Italy's Culture Ministry and Carabinieri art squad.

It was the latest presentation of the fruits of Italy's decades-old effort to recover antiquities that were looted or stolen from its territory by "tombaroli" tomb raiders, sold to antiquities dealers who often forged or fudged provenance records to resell the loot to...

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