In Albania, two women take on a nation with a rooftop wedding

Alba Ahmetaj and Edlira Mara hold their daughters during their wedding ceremony, on the rooftop of the mayor's office in central Tirana, May 19. [Florion Goga/Reuters]

In many ways Alba Ahmetaj and Edlira Mara lead an ordinary life. They brush their twin daughters' hair before school and play fight with them in their flat on weekend mornings. They have matching shoulder tattoos that mark their 14 years together.

But in their fight to be treated like other families, the lesbian couple did something extraordinary.

At dusk on Sunday, May 19, friends cheered as they stood out on the rooftop of the mayor's office in central Tirana, kissed, exchanged rings and got married.

Their marriage is not acknowledged by the state - Albanian law does not recognize same-sex civil unions. It has prompted outrage from the political right and the powerful religious community.

But for Alba and Edlira, it was a real expression of love, a cry for equality and, as far as they know, the first wedding of its kind in the Muslim-majority Balkan...

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