Turkish forces ‘neutralize’ 3 PKK terrorists in northern Iraq

Turkish security units "neutralized" three terrorists identified as members of the PKK terrorist organization in northern Iraq, the Defense Ministry has announced.

According to a written statement issued by the ministry on June 18, the terrorists were targeted in the area of the Operation Claw-Lock, which was initiated in April 2022 as a Turkish counterterrorism effort targeting PKK hideouts in Iraq's northern regions near the border.

Turkish authorities use the term "neutralize" to indicate that the militants in question have surrendered, been killed or captured. The PKK is designated as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the United States and the European Union.

The statement reiterated the unwavering commitment to Ankara's counterterrorism efforts.

The operation came after the elimination of 17 other terrorists in northern Iraq and Syria over the weekend. The operation in Iraq targeted eight terrorists, according to the ministry.

Speaking on June 17 during a visit to a military post in the country's eastern border province of Hakkari, Defense Minister Yaşar Güler highlighted that the recent cooperation established with neighboring Iraq has augmented the efficacy and momentum of Türkiye's counterterrorism efforts.

"We persist in our endeavors with utmost diligence in our operational zones in northern Syria. I wish to reiterate that we will never acquiesce to any faits accompli being attempted in the region," Güler remarked.

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