The rules-based international order as the bedrock of maritime dispute settlement

Greek Defense Minister Nikos Dendias (left) and Foreign Affairs Minister of the Philippines Enrique Manalo (right) inspect an honor guard, prior to their meeting in Athens, on Wednesday. [Alexandros Beltes/EPA]

The Philippines and Greece enjoy excellent bilateral relations, built on shared values of democracy, sustainable and inclusive prosperity, and a belief in the rules-based international order, especially in the oceans.

We place great importance on maritime cooperation, given the significant contribution of our maritime sectors to our economies. Greece has the world's largest shipping fleet, while the Philippines deploys a quarter of the world's seafarers.

We recognize the importance of maintaining ocean health and sustainability. This requires responsible ocean governance anchored on the twin pillars of international law, in particular the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and international cooperation.

Rules must remain in place, and states must faithfully implement them.

Hence, the Philippines continually advocates for a rules-based...

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