Safari on foot

Tanzania has huge safari areas, providing different experiences in places like Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater and Lake Manyara. My first safari was in Lake Manyara and my second was in Serengeti National Park.

I am not referring to observing wild nature; I am talking about experiencing it firsthand and feeling the adrenaline rush it brings. I joined a daytime walking safari, where animals see you as a threat rather than passive observers in 4x4 jeeps. I also had dinner in the pitch-black night, once again in this unprotected environment.

Do not think I am crazy or ask why I would want such a thrill out of nowhere. Even though I am not usually the daring type, I could not pass up a walking safari — how often do you get that chance in your life? On my third safari trip, I was in Tanzania, a country I really love. Tanzania has huge safari areas, and you can have different experiences in places like Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, and Lake Manyara. My first safari was in Lake Manyara, and my second was in Serengeti National Park. Having done those in large 4x4 jeeps and not needing professional photo shoots, the walking safari perfectly satisfied my desire for a new kind of excitement.

Going on a safari is a unique travel experience. Some people go on safari only once and feel that is enough, while others go every year. For those who go on multiple safari trips, they can diversify their experience by choosing different locations and hotels each time. The most important thing about this kind of trip is safety. Staying in tent accommodations can be a bit scary for me. Even though Maasai people work as guards at all the camps, you are still in the wild. For the second time, I stayed at the Four Seasons Safari Lodge...

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