Will North Macedonia become Orban’s Balkan gateway?

North Macedonia's Prime Minister-elect and VMRO-DPMNE party leader Hristijan Mickoski reacts after receiving the mandate to form a new government, in Skopje, North Macedonia, on June 6, 2024. [EPA]

All diplomatic eyes in Athens will be on North Macedonia this weekend, as Parliament votes on approving the government announced by the leader of the nationalist VMRO-DPMNE party and winner of last month's parliamentary elections, Hristijan Mickoski.

Interest on the Greek side is focused on whether Mickoski and his ministers will swear to serve their country under its constitutional and internationally recognized name, North Macedonia, or whether they will swear to a country that for the rest of the planet and by law is nonexistent.

Greece may be interested only in the erga omnes obligations, but those who look at the bigger picture see something much more dangerous in the new premier's statements

Shortly before unveiling his cabinet, Mickoski made a point of stating that he would be using the constitutional name, Republic of North...

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