High Temperatures Trigger Yellow Code Warning in Parts of Bulgaria

A yellow alert for high temperatures has been issued in eight regions of Bulgaria, including Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Stara Zagora, Haskovo, Kardjali, Plovdiv, Pazardzhik, and Blagoevgrad, as reported by the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology.

On Monday, it will be mostly sunny. In the afternoon and later, cumulus and cumulus-rain clouds are expected to form primarily over Southwestern Bulgaria, leading to brief showers accompanied by thunder. The wind will be light to moderate, coming from the east-northeast.

Overnight, the weather will be predominantly clear, although there will be more cloud cover until midnight in the extreme western areas, where scattered showers are likely. The atmosphere will be almost silent.

In the mountains, the morning will be sunny, but by the afternoon, cumulus and cumulus-rain clouds will develop over Western Bulgaria, bringing rain and thunder in some areas by evening. A light to moderate wind, mainly from the east-southeast, will prevail. The maximum temperature at 1200 meters altitude will be around 26°C, while at 2000 meters, it will be around 19°C.

Daytime temperatures are expected to drop slightly, with maximum temperatures ranging mostly between 32° and 37°, lower in the extreme eastern regions, and around 32° in Sofia.

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