New active fault line discovered in central province

Authorities have discovered a new active fault line in the Central Anatolian province of Kayseri, with a further study initiated to determine the nature and structure of the fault.

Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), in cooperation with the mineral research directorate and the union of municipalities, initiated a study on "Paleoseismology of Türkiye's active faults," carrying out an extensive geophysical prospecting with the help of ground radar and drones.

A member of AFAD Earthquake Advisory Board, Professor Dr. Fikret Koçbulut, stated that the work has been going on for a week, adding that the project is a comprehensive one consisting of 14 other sub-researches.

He said that they have studied the Deliler Fault Line, extending from Sivas to Kayseri.

"We tried to understand whether there was a fault or not by scanning the detailed maps we created with the help of drones. Following that, we carried on with the excavation when the results were positive."

"According to current data, it is possible to say the Deliler Fault is a fault with a reverse component. Later, sampling will be done following an intersection of the area, and when the results are obtained, the slip velocity and earthquake generation range will be revealed, after which we will be able to comment," he explained.

Another expert Sinan Koçeroğlu also informed on the ground radars. "Using the ground-penetrating radar (GPR), which is a geophysical method, we have taken a kind of MRI of the ground by sending electromagnetic waves at very strong frequencies to the ground," he said.

Meanwhile a 4.8 magnitude earthquake occurred in the western province of Manisa's Soma district, affecting the nearby cities and districts.


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