Administrative Judges Concerned over the disciplinary scrutiny from those who decided not to detain Lytras

The administrative judges, commenting on the domestic violence case involving Apostolos Lytra, who allegedly assaulted his lawyer’s wife, also expressed in today’s announcement their deep concern regarding the disciplinary oversight of judicial and prosecutorial officers who opted not to detain the criminologist after his confession during interrogation.

Specifically, the Board of the Union of Administrative Judges “strongly expresses concern regarding the disciplinary oversight of judicial and prosecutorial officers in their decisions concerning pre-trial detention in criminal cases.”

The announcement further states: “Expressing opinions and voting according to conscience during case handling at any stage is an inherent consequence of Judicial Independence, a constitutional principle that applies universally. The Association of Administrative Judges will monitor this case closely and reserves the right to inform the Association of European Administrative Judges about it, depending on its progress, as safeguarding the Rule of Law is not solely a national matter but also a primary concern within the European legal framework.”

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