METRO places a high priority on its employees’ mental health

With over 11,300 staff members, METRO SA has dedicated efforts to raise awareness and implement actions supporting mental health throughout its operations, including stores, distribution centers, and headquarters. Initiatives undertaken during Mental Health Month underscore the company’s commitment to values like equality, inclusion, mutual understanding, and camaraderie. METRO also emphasizes a zero-tolerance policy towards workplace harassment and abuse, fostering an environment where all incidents are openly communicated and swiftly addressed.

Beyond awareness campaigns, METRO provides practical resources for its employees to address violence and harassment daily. Employees can seek assistance through METRO’s Labor Relations Department, and Human Resources, or utilize a 24-hour Helpline for confidential support. Educational resources are also readily available through internal platforms like EMEIS and METRO Learn, offering comprehensive guides, informative materials, and engaging content such as METRO Talks videos on harassment prevention.

For METRO, investing in mental health is integral to its corporate philosophy, aiming to cultivate a supportive workplace environment that enhances employee satisfaction, achievement, and well-being.

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