Fact-Checking Trump and Biden: Uncovering Misinformation from Both Sides

President Donald Trump has spread significant misinformation on topics like terrorism and taxes, while President Joe Biden has cited incorrect facts about deceased American soldiers.

Fact Check: Did Biden Inherit 9% Inflation?

Trump claimed Biden inherited 9% inflation, stating, "He said he inherited 9% inflation. He inherited almost no inflation; it was at that level for 14 months and then it blew up under his leadership." This statement is false. When Biden took office in January 2021, inflation was at 1.4%. It rose to 9.1% in June 2022, but had fallen to 3.3% by the end of that year. Both Trump and Biden's pandemic-related stimulus policies are blamed for the inflation rise.

Fact Check: Did Biden Intend to Raise Taxes Four Times?

Trump claimed, "No one has ever cut taxes as much as we have. He wants to raise taxes on everybody four times. He wants Trump's tax cuts to become invalid." This is also false. Biden's tax plan does not impact 98% of US households, according to Kyle Pomerleau of the American Enterprise Institute. Biden wants to extend most of Trump's tax cuts, while advocating for higher taxes on the very wealthy.

Fact Check: Has Trump Ended Catch-and-Release Migrants?

Trump stated, "We stopped that practice." This is false. Trump did not end "catch-and-release," the practice of releasing migrants while they await a court decision. The US lacks sufficient detention centers to hold every migrant until their court dates, regardless of the president. Trump, like Obama before him and Biden after, has released many migrants into the US.

Fact Check: Did the Border Patrol Union Endorse Biden?


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