Von der Leyen, Costa, Kallas endorsed for the EU’s top jobs. Here’s who they are and what they do

Estonia's Prime Minister Kaja Kallas during a news conference at the end of European Council in Brussels, Belgium, 28 June 2024. Olivier Hoslet/EPA]

Following the elections for EU Parliament, European Union leaders have agreed on the officials who will hold the key positions in the world's biggest trading bloc in the coming years for issues ranging from antitrust investigations to foreign policy.

The three nominees will lead the EU's powerful executive branch — the European Commission — and the forum where the 27 member countries are represented, the European Council, with the final nominee being the bloc's top diplomat.

The Associated Press takes a look at who they are, and what they do.

Ursula von der Leyen

The 65-year-old German politician has been endorsed for a second term as president of the powerful European Commission. Her bid was boosted when the center-right European People's Party, which includes von der Leyen's Christian Democratic Union, remained the largest group at the EU Parliament.<...

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