Vucevic: If international law was respected, gov't would have met in Gracanica

KRUSEVAC - Serbian PM Milos Vucevic said on Friday that, due to a lack of respect of international law, his cabinet had gathered in Krusevac - a city in the south of central Serbia - earlier in the day instead of in Gracanica or at Gazimestan in Kosovo-Metohija.

"At today's special government session, we touched upon or discussed four topics that are crucial for our work today - the issue of internal and external security, which is within the competence of the interior and defence ministries," Vucevic said, adding that the interior and defence ministers had delivered brief reports.

He added that culture and everything the Ministry of Culture was doing to "preserve all national and identity-related matters and affairs that characterise and define our people" had been a topic as well and that the economy, which he said was the engine of the country's development, had...

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